The rules are simple: just name one song by each band!

You know, except that song...

Test your knowledge of one-hit wonders and see how far you get!

The project is available at - if you see any missing/wrong answers, pull requests are very welcome.


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I got 9/40... Most in the 80s and only one each in 00s and 10s.  I've watched a fair bit of Todd in the Shadows "One hit wonderland" so thought I would do better...
Fun idea for a quiz! Would be really good with a teammate or two to fill each others knowledge-gaps.
Would be fun for a quiz like this to get some stats on what people consider bands second biggest song, but that might be a bit out of scope!


Very well done, thank you for giving it a go! I really like the idea of Pointless-style statistics for the answers, but yes, it is a little tricky to set that up without adding a server, unfortunately.

> Would be really good with a teammate or two to fill each others knowledge-gaps.

Honestly, my favorite part of making this was having people try it out, go "oh I don't know", only to suddenly come up with an incredible pull